Montag, 26. Mai 2008

Live Drawings 10 - 15 min.

3 Kommentare:

Urban Barbarian hat gesagt…

Love that first and second illustration the best! And by the way, your avatar... That tiger is insane! So well done!

Nicolás Castell hat gesagt…

Your style is really clean and precise. Yes, very nice drawings.

Benjamin von Eckartsberg hat gesagt…

@ urban barbarian:
Yeah, me too, that´s wy I dit put them first.
And I´m glad you like the tiger, cause I kinda surprised myself with that drawing. It is different from my earlier, more realistic approaches to draw a tiger.So thanks for the thumps up!

@n. castell:
Thank you. We do Live Drawing Sessions once a week in our studio for training. I get a blast out of it every time.